New Morality; or the promis’d Installment of the High-Priest of the Theophilanthropes, with the Homage of Leviathan and his Suite
Cartoon by James Gillray
Published August 1, 1798 by J. Wright for the Anti-Jacobin Magazine & Review
At right, a reference to Erasmus Darwin’s books Zoonomia and The Loves of the Plants, both of which contain evolutionary ideas. The Anti-Jacobin Magazine was a conservative tool that, in this case, linked Erasmus Darwin — a sympathist with the American and French revolutions — to later excesses of the French revolution.
A Charm for a Democracy, Reviwed, Analysed, & Destroyed Jan.y1rst 1799 to the Confusion of its Affiliated Friends
Cartoon by Thomas Rowlandson
Published February 1, 1799 for the Anti-Jacobin Review
At right, another reference to Erasmus Darwin’s books Zoonomia and The Loves of the Plants, both of which contain evolutionary ideas: “Darwin’s topsy turvy Plants and Animals Destruction.”