Review of Dr. Siebold, Flora Japonica; sectio prima, Plantae ornatui vel usui inservientes; digessit Dr. J.G. Zuccarini: fasc. 1-10, fol. (Leyden, 1835-1839, pp.100, tab. 1-50). Asa Gray, 1840 & 1846.
Statistics of the Flora of the Northern United States. Asa Gray, 1856.
Diagnostic Characters of new species of phaenogamous plants collected in Japan by Charles Wright. Asa Gray, 1858-9.
Review of Darwin’s Theory on the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection. Asa Gray. The American Journal of Science and Arts, 1860.
Darwin on the Origin of Species. Asa Gray. The Atlantic, 1860.