Darwin’s correspondence with Charles Lyell (click here for letter) and Joseph Hooker (click here for letter) regarding Haldeman’s paper, “Enumeration of the recent Freshwater Mollusca which Are Common to North American and Europe; With Observations on Species and their Distribution”.
The Friedman Lab
Evolutionary History and Plant Development
Department of Organismic
and Evolutionary Biology
Arnold Arboretum
Harvard University
1300 Centre Street
Boston, MA 02131
Principal Investigator
Dr. William (Ned) Friedman
Director of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
Arnold Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Faculty Fellow of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
Phone: 617.384.7744
Fax: 617.384.6596
Email: ned@oeb.harvard.edu
Alison Ring
Special Assistant
Weld Hill Research Building
Office: 617.384.5241
Fax: 617.384.6596
Email: aring@fas.harvard.edu